Dawn Addis’s first radio ad began airing last week on radio stations across the Central Coast. Listen to it for yourself here.
Dawn Addis’s first radio ad began airing last week on radio stations across the Central Coast. Listen to it for yourself here.
I’ve got exciting news: we’re up on the air! As you read this, my first ad is running on televisions across the district. I wanted you to be among the first to see it.
Today the California Nurses Association/National Nurses Organizing Committee (CNA/NNOC) announced its endorsement of Morro Bay City Councilmember Dawn Addis in her campaign for State Assembly District 35. Addis, a Democrat, is challenging incumbent Republican Jordan Cunningham. The district was carried by Hillary Clinton in 2016 and Democrats recently passed Republicans in overall voter registration in the district.
–The Cuesta College Federation of Teachers announced on Wednesday its endorsement of Dawn Addis, the Democratic candidate in Assembly District 35. California Assembly District 35 includes San Luis Obispo County and Northern Santa Barbara County. It is currently represented by Jordan Cunningham (R-Templeton).
Deborah Stakes, the President of the CCFT – which is the Local Chapter 04909 of the American Federation of Teachers (AFT) – said that the organization voted to endorse Addis following an in-depth interview process that focused on Career Technical Education policies, as well as how to deal with the shortfall of funding to Cuesta College as a result of the imminent closure of the Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power facility. “We were impressed with the breadth of her ideas,” Stakes said.
NORTH COUNTY — Being an educator, Morro Bay councilmember, co-founder of the Women’s March SLO and a local activist, Dawn Addis (D) is no stranger to having her voice heard. In November, Addis decided to use that voice to represent the California Assembly 35th District.
“When I look back at the last four years,” Addis said, “I have been active and advocating and really out in the public eye. I haven’t seen as much positive change as we would like to see on the Central Coast.”
Addis said that she doesn’t believe Assemblyman Jordan Cunningham adequately represents all of the Central Coast.
“When I think about social issues, the incumbent just doesn’t come out and stand up for the things that people on the Central Coast really believe in. We held a vigil after Charlottesville, a 1,000 people came out, and our assemblyperson was nowhere to be found,” Addis said. Referring to the Aug. 12, 2017 incident when James Alex Fields Jr. deliberately drove into a crowd of peaceful protesters and killed 32-year-old Heather Heyer and injured 35 others.
Addis said that what she sees as limited representati
Greeted by a raucous San Luis Obispo Guild Hall crowd of more than 100 people, Dawn Addis opened her run for state Assembly on Nov. 7 like she did her political life in 2017 as a Women’s March SLO organizer: surrounded by energized local progressives.
“In 2017, millions of us took to the streets knowing that the fabric of America was about to be torn in ways we couldn’t fathom,” Addis told SLO Progressives Club members at their annual Friendsgiving dinner on Nov. 7. “We came together to demand a more positive and just future. Together we laced up our shoes.”
Morro Bay councilwoman Dawn Addis — a longtime political activist and a co-founder of Women’s March SLO — will challenge Republican state Assemblyman Jordan Cunningham in November 2020, she announced Thursday.
Addis made the announcement at the SLO County Progressives meeting in San Luis Obispo on Thursday evening.
“I have been active and engaged in our local issues and encouraging other people to use their voices and run for office,” she said by phone earlier in the day. “It’s important to me to lead by example.”